Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Brain Stimulant: Neuromorphic Brain


DARPA has a five year program called Systems Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics or SyNAPSE for short. I already previously mentioned this project that the US military is undertaking in another blog post. Neuromorphic is basically the creation of digital neurons on a microchip that mimic the functioning of real neurons. Meaning they are creating computer hardware that can replicate how a neuron works and interacts with other neurons, like the synaptic connections and firing patterns. Ultimately it is hoped that neuromorphic chips will be able to process information in much the same way that a real brain can.

Brain Stimulant: Neuromorphic Brain

This article  discusses another attempt to mimic the human brain.  It seems to be more hardware oriented than 'blue brain'  but the goal is similiar


Blue Brain and Consciousness

This podcast explains what is being done in the blue brain project to simulate the human brain.  Markram's goal is to build a model of the human brain within ten years.